our story

With Woman & Witch was consciously created with purpose & intention to empower women. Our vision extends from a path of many years, connecting deeply & supporting women during pregnancy & birth, as well as holding space for rituals in the realm of beauty.



Our soul values of authenticity, connection & beauty have been alchemised into every aspect of our journey to With Woman & Witch. Weaving our passions and beliefs into our purpose, has allowed us to revel in the processes of design & creation. 




Our apothecary collections are inspired by ancient alchemy & the powerful women who walked the sacred earth before us. Honouring our ancestors & sourcing pure, organic & ethical ingredients that are kind to both earth & being, has and will remain our intentional focus. 




We hold big dreams & passion for the future of our brand, reaching for women all over the earth and holding a space for alchemy, ritual & beauty in this wild chaotic world. Our intention is to expand our collections & our digital space over the coming years.




We feel incredibly blessed to be sharing our collections & our purpose with you, and look forward to expanding with the souls of women + witches we reach throughout this journey.

and so it is...

in beauty & grace,

Woman & Witch x